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Code of

América Abierta is a meeting that combines Abrelatam-ConDatos and the Regional Meeting of the Alliance for Open Government in a single event and comprehensive space. As such, it seeks to convene a diverse open government and open data community from across the Americas to create a space for discussion, exchange, learning and sharing. 

Thus, the following code of conduct sets guidelines to guarantee the development of the meeting and associated events (before, during or after) in an environment in which the respect and safety of all people prevail.

For its application, we expect and count on the cooperation of all the people involved in América Abierta.

  1. Diversity and inclusion

The Open America meeting welcomes and encourages the participation of people of all ages, cultures, ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, languages, nationalities and religions.

Thus, it will be inadmissible to engage in any of the following activities:

  • Harass, harass, or threaten those who participate.
  • Infringe the privacy rights of those who participate.
  • Solicit personally identifiable information from those who participate for the purpose of harassing, attacking, exploiting, or violating their privacy;
  • Intentionally or knowingly post libel or slander;
  • Post, for the purpose of misleading, content that is false or inaccurate;
  • Attempt to impersonate entrants by falsely representing your affiliation with any person or entity, or using entrants' names for the purpose of misleading;
  • Promote or defend statements with hatred, fanaticism, xenophobia, racism and/or violence.

In case of any of these situations, see section 3.  

  1. Harassment Free Conference

The América Abierta meeting is an environment free from any form of harassment and is committed to protecting and safeguarding those who suffer it regardless of their gender, identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, ethnicity, age or religion.

Thus, it will be inadmissible to engage in any of the following activities:

  • Reproduce sexualized images in shared spaces, including talks, workshops, parties or social networks.
  • Engaging in stalking, willful intimidation, harassing photography, or unauthorized recording.
  • Proposing unwanted physical contact or sexual attention.

In case of any of these situations, see section 3.  

  1. Report problems

In the event of any incident such as those mentioned above, it is expected that those who participate inform the organization to stop and sanction behaviors not aligned with the values of the meeting.

Violators of these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference at the discretion of the Organizing Committee of the event.

The ways to report behaviors outside this code of conduct are the following:

– You can make a report at this address o de manera anónima en el siguiente formulario. En dicho caso, no podremos hacer un seguimiento directamente contigo, dado que el reporte es anónimo, pero investigaremos y tomaremos las acciones necesarias para evitar la recurrencia.

– Contact a clearly identified member of the Organizing Committee. When taking a personal report, our team will ensure that the report is made in a safe place where what is said cannot be heard by third parties. We promise to handle the greatest possible respect and anonymity in all received cases. 

The Organizing Committee of the event will provide assistance to the victims and will ensure that they feel safe throughout the event.

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